‘Narcos planned to frame cops who discovered Colombia’s 2018 election fraud plot’ by Adriaan Alsema June 12, 2020 1 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
The prosecutors trying to make Colombia’s 2018 election rigging plot go away by Adriaan Alsema June 10, 2020 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Journalists who revealed evidence of plot to rig Colombia’s 2018 election send out SOS by Adriaan Alsema June 9, 2020 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Colombia’s Supreme Court may remove chief prosecutor from election rigging probe by Adriaan Alsema June 8, 2020 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Colombia arrests cops who discovered 2018 election fraud plot by Adriaan Alsema June 7, 2020 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Colombia’s chief prosecutor under fire over investigation into election rigging plot by Adriaan Alsema May 27, 2020 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Colombia’s ruling party allegedly involved multiple crime families in 2018 election fraud plot by Adriaan Alsema April 6, 2020 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Drug money launderer invited to Colombia’s congress? by Adriaan Alsema March 26, 2020 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Colombia’s congress postpones 2018 election fraud hearings by Adriaan Alsema March 25, 2020 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail