Colombian authorities identified ten criminal gangs, consisting mainly of former paramilitaries, whose main activities are related to drug trafficking, extortion and hired assassinations.
Radio Caracol reported that it was given access to the latest report of the Unified Information Center about criminal gangs which estimates that these paramilitary groups have approximately 2150 members.
Overview of the criminal gangs according to authorities:
- Self-Defense Gaitanistas of Colombia: This group was led by ‘Don Mario’, who was recently captured by the police. They commit crimes in Cordoba, Antioquia and Choco.
- Los Rastrojos is led by Luis Calle Serna alias ‘Comba’. They operate in Valle de Cauca, Putumayo, Nariño and Norte de Santander. 112 members of this gang were captured by Colombia’s Army on Wednesday.
- Los Paisas: Alias ‘Santiago’ or ‘Hamilton’ runs this gang which primarily operates in Antioquia and Cordoba.
- Caqueta: Its members deal in the Caqueta department, South Colombia.
- Alta Guajira: According to the report of the authorities, its head is Arnulfo Sanchez alias ‘Pablo’. They commit crimes in La Guajira, North Colombia.
- Sur de Bolivar: This group is led by Jesus Alejandro Sanchez alias ‘Scooby’. They operate in Cesar, Bolivar and Antioquia.
- Oriente de Caldas and Magdalena Medio: Their leader is Walter Ochoa Guisao alias ‘Gurre’. They commit criminal activities in Boyaca, Caldas and Tolima.
- Nueva Generacion: Their alleged ringleader is Omar Grannobles alias ‘El Tigre’ and operate in the Nariño department.
- Bacrim ERPAC: Its head is Pedro Oliverio Guerrero alias ‘Cuchillo’. The gang deals in Vichada, Casanare, Meta and Guiviare.
- Los Machos: Their ringleader is Iber Nober Urdinola. They mainly commit crimes in Valle del Cauca, Southwest Colombia.