Colombians campaign against ‘Colombiana’ movie by Natalie Dalton August 17, 2011 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Hollywood takes steps towards Pablo Escobar movie by Adriaan Alsema July 31, 2011 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Colombian film to screen at Latino International Film Festival by Sarah Cast July 19, 2011 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
‘Colombiana’: Hollywood blockbuster with a Colombian twist by Marguerite Cawley May 9, 2011 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Hollywood goes crazy for Colombia’s emeralds by Marguerite Cawley March 10, 2011 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Animation conference comes to Bogota by Teresa Welsh October 14, 2010 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Sorry guys, she’s taken! Sofia Vergara finds love in LA by Camilla Pease-Watkin May 28, 2010 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Colombian actress Sofia Vergara turns Happy Feet penguin by Camilla Pease-Watkin March 5, 2010 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Isabella Santo Domingo heads to Hollywood by Camilla Pease-Watkin February 16, 2010 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail