The head judicial body wants the commission to answer whether or not Uribe had any responsibility for the wiretapping of selected individuals during his presidency by state intelligence agency DAS.
The Prosecutor General urged the congressmen involved in the investigation to take initiative to gather any evidence and assess evidence that has already been presented in preliminary investigations to clarify if their was any involvement by the former head of state.
The body also requested that the congressional commission to certify copies of evidence to authenticate their veracity.
Several media reported that the Prosecutor General asked specifically for the Commission to investigate if Uribe could be incriminated in the wiretapping of human rights defenders before 2005.
The wiretap scandal involved DAS’ illegal monitoring of journalists, trade unions, human-rights officials, opponents in government and court magistrates.
The commission is made up of three congressmen who are Uribe supporters. In December of 2010 Congressman Augusto Posada resigned from the commission sighting his lack of impartiality in the investigation due to his friendship with the former president.
The Commission of Accusations of the House of Representatives decided in February of this year to make public the proceedings against the former president after being ordered to do so by the Supreme Court.