Coal mines in
they could have been for
free trade agreement fail to progress through Congress.
Caterpillar tractors built in
the South American country could soon face increased competition from north of
the U.S. border.
agreement that some businesses fear could divert Colombian buyers northward as a
House Speaker
citing concerns over labor conditions in
“By inaction, the U.S. Congress is telling our customers in
prefer you to buy Canadian goods than American goods,'” Lane said.
Caterpillar’s engine imports currently face tariffs of 2.5% in
Other businesses, too, are concerned about losing potential profits to
Canadian competitors.
during a Wednesday luncheon that he has met with U.S. producers of pork, wheat,
barley and cotton who fear they could lose business to
surprised that, given a choice, Colombian buyers will buy wheat and barley from
He expects a signed agreement with
Plata is among a number of Colombian officials who have descended on
winds down.
Colombian President
not currently scheduled to meet with Pelosi. (DOW JONES)