Watchdogs accuse Colombia’s government of ignoring mass killing of social leaders

Colombia’s government said Tuesday that the government is “doing everything” to curb the mass killing of social leaders, but the inspector general said the unfolding tragedy is ignored by Bogota.

Following the killing of at least seven social leaders in the first week of 2019, Interior Minister Nancy Patricia Gutierrez, Defense Minister Guillermo Rivera and Peace Commissioner Miguel Ceballos called a press conference in which they claimed authorities are “taking action” to clarify the homicides and prevent the killing of more leaders.

Interior Minister Nancy Patricia Gutierrez

This was contradicted by Inspector General Fernando Carrillo, who told press that the government has failed to follow up on the so-called Pact for Life that was signed in August. This agreement sought to curb the killings that have cost the lives of more than 425 social leaders since the beginning of a peace process in 2016.

Inspector General Fernando Carrillo

Carrillo’s claim was supported by ombudsman Carlos Alfonso Negret, who said the government and security forces have shone in absence at regional meetings that seek to improve the security situation in territories that have long been neglected by the state and are now vied for by illegal armed groups after the 2017 demobilization of former guerrilla group FARC.

Ombudsman Carlos Alfonso Negret

The peace commissioner stressed that “it is very important that Colombia understands that the assassinations of social leaders also are also carried out by those groups that have refused to accept peace,” ignoring Interior Minister statistics indicating that illegal armed groups like the ELN and AGC are responsible for only a small portion of the killings.

The majority of the killings involve leaders who oppose illegal mining and support the implementation of the peace process that has long been opposed by President Ivan Duque and his political patron, former President Alvaro Uribe.

Ombudsman Carlos Alfonso Negret

Conflict analyst Ariel Avila told RCN on Tuesday that another group that is being targeted are social leaders who are potential candidates in this year’s local elections.

According to the office of President Ivan Duque, the National Protection Unit received more than 1,263 requests for protection in the first week of 2019 alone.

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