A proud mother from Colombia’s Caribbean coast has given birth to a massive, 11 pounds and 4 ounce son, local media reported Tuesday.
The typical weight for a baby is between 5 pounds, 8 ounces and 8 pounds, 13 ounces.
The baby, just over two foot long, was delivered without a c-section in a hospital in Colombia’s northern city of Cartagena.
The massive toddler arrived without complications after mother Johana Gonzalez was in hospital for just 3 hours.
Gonzalez told local newspaper El Universal that her son Keymer Pertuz Zabaleta, or “superbaby” as he became known in the hospital, was in excellent health.
- Nació un ‘superbebé’en la Clínica de Maternidad Rafael Calvo (El Universal)
- What newborns weigh (Kidshealth)