Colombia’s government on Tuesday adopted the National Policy for Gender Equality which will consist of policies, agencies, and a comprehensive plan to ensure a life free of violence for women.
The policy will work in accordance with a law from 2011, which prioritized, “gender equity, human rights… independence of women and gender equality, taking into account the particularities affecting [both] urban populations and rural, Afro-Colombian, indigenous, peasant and Rom. The policy will develop specific plans that guarantee the rights of women in situations of displacement and the right of women to live free of violence.”
Through this new policy the government has created the National Commission for Gender Equality, which will coordinate and execute a comprehensive plan that the commission itself will ultimately produce.
The commission’s other responsibilities will include monitoring the technical and operational aspects of the National Policy for Gender Equality; providing guidance on how to effectively implement their plan to national and regional levels; designing a system that will monitor the completion of intended goals and outcomes, providing guidelines for investment, management and execution of co-financing proposals, and producing annual reports tracking the National Policy on Gender Equity.
Gender equality and the safety of women has recently come to the forefront of legislatures in the past few years.
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Se adopta nueva política pública acerca de la igualdad de género (La Republica)