Santos’ urban approval rating at 72%: Gallup

The urban approval rating of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos is 72% according to a survey held in Colombia’s five largest cities.

The approval rating measured by pollster Gallup is considerably lower than that of the National Consultancy Center (CNC), which last week said 90% of Colombians approved of the president.

Gallup interviewed 1,200 people in Colombia’s five largest cities and found that 72% of Colombia’s urban dwellers approve of Santos, while 17% disapprove of him.

The urban approval of his policies is higher; 79% against 17%. Santos’ foreign policy has the approval of 82% of urban Colombia.

Santos is doing a bad job when it comes to fighting unemployment, say 59% of the interviewees, while 36% approve of the government’s labor policy.

Gallup also measured the popularity of mayors, which showed a further decline in popularity of Bogota mayor Samuel Moreno, who is facing corruption allegations, and can now count on the disapproval of 78% and the approval of 18%.

Mayors in smaller cities do better; Medellin mayor Alonso Salazar has the approval of 60%, Cali mayor Jorge Ivan Ospina 71%, and Barranquilla mayor Alejandro Char a staggering 90%.

The poll was held by phone and online in Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla and Bucaramanga among 1,200 people.

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