More than 70 drug labs destroyed so far this year: Colombia military

Coca lab colombia

(Photo: Colprensa)

Colombia’s armed forces on Wednesday said they have destroyed more than 70 cocaine processing laboratories so far this year.

The focal point of the military counter-narcotics operations was in the states of Choco, Antioquia and Cordoba in the northwest of the country.

According to the military, the military offensive that allegedly dismantled 72 drug labs “succeeded in firmly attacking the finances of illegal armed groups.”

The labs belonged to leftist rebel groups like the FARC and drug trafficking groups formed from the officially demobilized paramilitary group AUC.

Drug trafficking in the northwest of Colombai is mainly in control of the Urabeños that traffic the drugs abroad and their former rivals, the FARC, who have focused traditionally on the cultivation of coca, of which the leaves are used to produce cocaine.


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