US supports Duque’s latest attempt to sink Colombia’s war crimes tribunal

The United States ambassador dealt another major blow to Colombia’s peace process on Monday, stating his government supports Colombian President Ivan Duque’s latest attempt to sink a war crimes tribunal.

In an interview with Blu Radio, US Ambassador Kevin Whitaker said he supported Duque’s decision to ignore the Constitutional Court and return a statutory bill that defines the powers of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) to Congress.

Duque’s decision triggered a constitutional crisis and plunged the peace process into its biggest crisis since April last year when the US government requested the extradition of FARC leader “Jesus Santrich” on an unsubstantiated drug trafficking claim.

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Whitaker tried to downplay the latest crisis and claimed that Colombia’s hard-right president “did a very rigorous and refined analysis to find the problems he objected to.”

Experts have asked which war criminals Duque is trying to protect in his latest and most devastating attempt to sink the tribunal that seeks to bring justice to the country’s more than 8.5 million victims of the armed conflict.

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Whitaker audaciously turned against the victims, who have consistently opposed the extradition of alleged war criminals accused of drug trafficking by the US.

The extradition of 18 paramilitary leaders in 2008 and 2011 blocked investigations into crimes against humanity and left more than 200,000 victims without justice, according to victim organizations and judicial experts.

According to these organizations, US authorities have failed to facilitate Colombian court hearings of war criminals in US prisons, effectively obstructing justice in Colombia.

Report by judicial experts and victim organizations

The US ambassador dismissed the victims’ grievances, and claimed that the US government had facilitated investigations into war crimes.

US Ambassador Kevin Whitaker
Report by judicial experts and victim organizations

More than 100 politicians, victim representatives, scholars, social leaders and former guerrillas on Monday called on UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to inform the Security Council of the crisis.

But the United States’ support for Duque’s move that sank the country’s troubled peace process into another crisis makes it virtually impossible for the Security Council to adopt any resolution that would condemn the Colombian state for its chronic failures to honor the 2016 peace agreement with FARC guerrillas and conflict victims.

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