Police arrest prominent member of FARC’s Eastern Bloc

Colombian authorities have captured Pablo Emilio Rodriguez, alias “Manuel,” the man believed to have assumed control of financing operations for the FARC’s Eastern Bloc after last year’s death of prominent FARC leader, “Mono Jojoy,” Caracol Radio reported Monday.

Manuel, 39 and with 19 years experience in the guerrilla group, was captured in the neighbourhood of Bosa, Bogota by members of Colombia’s judicial police, DIJIN. He was carrying falsified Venezuelan identity papers at the moment of arrest.

In his position in charge of financing operations, Manuel is alleged to have been responsible for regaining lost territory from the neo-paramilitary group, the Popular Revolutionary Anti-Terrorist Army of Colombia (ERPAC). Specifically, he was said to be in charge of ensuring access to drug routes and consolidating control of illicit crops in the departments of Guaviare, Meta, Vichada and Vaupes, Radio Santa Fe reported.

This arrest is the third for the guerrilla group in recent days after the arrests of Gemner Lara Muñoz, alias “Lucio 40”, the alleged head of the FARC’s 22nd Front and Alberto Montoya Montoya, alias “Samper”, one of the sub commanders of the FARC’s 36th Front which operated in the east of the department of Antioquia.

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