US drug official to visit Colombia

The US State Department announced that William Brownfield, formerly ambassador to Bogota and now a top anti-drug official, will visit Colombia on February 10 to demonstrate support for security in the region.

Brownfield is currently the assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).

The official will be accompanied by Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roberta Jacobson on his tour of Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Colombia from February 6 through February 11.

While in Colombia the assistant secretary will meet with Colombian Prosecutor General Viviane Morales, armed forces commander Admiral Edgar Cely, and National Police Chief General Oscar Naranjo to thank Colombia for their contributions to regional security and to discuss further measures for regional cooperation.

Brownfield will also review the U.S.-supported anti-drug program that promotes education about the effects of drug trafficking and consumption.

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