Exhibition depicts Rolling Stones alleged Escobar concert

A new art show will blend fact and fiction to transport a Bogota audience to Pablo Escobar’s lavish Hacienda Napoles estate, where iconic rock band the Rolling Stones are rumored to have played a private concert for the late drug lord in the 1980s.

“I have never been to Colombia but the four Colombians I know have told me, and keep repeating the same thing that anyone can find anywhere. The rumor that the Rolling Stones visited Pablo Esobar in the Hacienda Napoles in the early 80s,” said Denver, the Argentine artist behind the unique exhibition.

The one-night show, called “The Myth,” will take place in Bogota’s Galeria Cero and will feature video footage, photographs and music crafted by Denver, who has created his own version of the long-rumored concert.

The Myth will take viewers through the most iconic parts of Escobar’s 3,700 acre property, including the main colonial house, the pool, the bullring, the barn and his first plane, a piper which sits at the hacienda’s entrance.

Escobar’s sprawling estate is now owned by the Municipality of Puerto Triunfa, 160km east of Medellin, and has been converted into an ecotourism destination featuring exotic animals, a museum and a dinosaur exhibit.

The show takes place July 11 at 7PM at Galeria Cero on Calle 80, No. 12-55.

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