Piedad Cordoba is Colombia’s least trusted personality: Terra poll

Opposition senator Piedad Cordoba is Colombia’s least trusted public figure, a poll among visitors of terra.com.co shows.

Cordoba, a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize, beat Interior and Justice Minister Fabio Valencia Cossio and former presidential adviser Jose Obdulio Gaviria.

Colombia’s least trusted public figures:

  1. Piedad Cordoba
    Liberal Party Senator, admirer of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, investigated for ties to the FARC and Nobel Peace Prize nominee
  2. Fabio Valencia Cossio
    Interior and Justice Minister and part of a very politically active family. His brother is in jail on corruption charges
  3. Jose Obdulio Gaviria
    former presidential adviser, and cousin of slain drug lord Pablo Escobar
  4. DAS
    Colombia’s soon-to-be-former intelligence agency
  5. Juan Manuel Santos
    former Defense Minister, presidential candidate and members of a family with a long history in Colombian politics
  6. Ernesto Samper
    controversial former President and prominent Liberal Party member, not allowed to enter the U.S. on suspicion of drug links
  7. Alvaro Uribe
    controversial and popular President of Colombia
  8. Bernardo Moreno
    President Uribe’s personal secretary
  9. Andres Felipe Arias
    former Minister and Conservative Party presidential hopeful, also known as ‘Uribito’ (little Uribe)
  10. Luis Carlos Restrepo
    writer, former Peace Commissioner and leader of coalition party De La U
  11. Samuel Moreno
    Mayor of Bogota
  12. Cesar Gaviria
    former President and leader of the Liberal Party
  13. Hollman Morris
    prominent independent journalist and government critic
  14. German Vargas Lleras
    presidential candidate for Cambio Radical and member of a family with a long history in Colombian politics
  15. Daniel Coronell
    independent journalist, director of Noticias Uno and government critic
  16. Supreme Court of Justice
    highest judicial body in Colombia and regularly clashing with President Uribe and his coalition in Congress

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