We need you

This is a call for help. Colombia Reports needs your support to continue delivering you the news without fear or favor.

For 10 years, this website has delivered an honest and non-commercial narrative of current events in Colombia. We did this during one of the country’s most critical chapters; the end of a 50-year armed conflict.

This comes with risk in many forms. I have been called a guerrilla and terrorist supporter, the website has suffered cyber attacks and voluntary members of the newsroom have been harassed by the country’s now-defunct intelligence agency.

The cost of responsible reporting on war crimes, terrorism and corruption makes normal business models inapplicable. We are still here because our brave volunteers can count on the generous support of our global community.

This year’s main issues

  • Peace process
  • War crimes tribunal / Truth Commission
  • Armed conflict with AGC and ELN
  • Record cocaine production
  • National elections

As founder and editor-in-chief, my ongoing pledge to you is that I will continue to assume the risk and endure whatever harassment that will inevitably come. However, as operations stand now, I find myself spending much of my time simply trying to make ends meet.

Worrying about safety is one thing. Worrying about a chronic lack of funds to do what my readers and audience expect and deserve is quite another.

As I write this, for example, I have accumulated $1000 in debt to upgrade the website in order to prevent attacks that nearly took down Colombia Reports in both 2012 and 2016.

I am fortunate to have the support of a committed global community, which has stepped up, acknowledges the challenge of this work, and stands committed to furthering it both for the sake of Colombia’s future and in keeping independent journalism alive.

These people were willing to donate mere pennies to be a part of something bigger than just journalism in Colombia. They are supporting and empowering a global cause to hold power accountable through the most basic of freedoms: freedom of the press.

I’m a journalist. I peel back the layers of the truth and report my findings to you. I also pull back the curtain on marketing and public relations machines and hand deliver you what’s really happening.

Because this is such a critical time in Colombia’s history, there is no other way to ensure progress and accountability. And without your help, making this happen is near impossible.

I want to be your humble reporter, but I need your support to do this responsibly and in good health.

I will put up with the insults, abuse and intimidation that is inherent to being a journalist in Colombia. But I can only do this if you, the people who care about Colombia and journalism on a global scale, have my back.

I will not sell out and advertise mail order brides. I will not resort to feeding you bullshit about how Mark Wahlberg allegedly told President Juan Manuel Santos how marvelous this country is. I will not use Venezuelan refugees to inflate tourism statistics, even though this would be commercially sound.

In other words, I will not shut up about the issues that truly matter for the promotion of democracy, free speech and the development of Colombia. I will be loyal to your need for verified information and appropriate context.

But please, join us. Sponsor independent journalism in Colombia. It is necessary, always.

If you want to make a one-time donation, you can do so here. If you want to contribute either $5, $10 or $20 a month, you can also do that here.

Colombia Reports has survived 10 years of armed conflict. Be there with us while we contribute to building peace and the promotion of democracy.

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