Uribe’s popularity at lowest in 7 years

Colombian President Alvaro Uribe popularity rating is at it’s lowest in his seven years in government, according to a recent opinion poll. The President’s popularity rating fell from 70 percent to 64 percent in the last two months.

The drop in the President’s popularity is attributed primarily to a economic concerns, but corruption scandals such as the agricultural subsidiaries scandal also had an impact, Jorge Londoño , manager of polling firm Encuestas Invamer Gallup told Caraco Radio .

The poll also found that 46 percent of Colombians polled consider things to be improving in the country while 36 percent thought they were getting worse. 82 percent of Colombians were in favor of Uribe’s second re-election, compared to 86 percent two months ago. 7 percent were against his re-election. only 52 percent said they would go to the polls on voting day, down six percent from the previous poll two months prior.

Former Medellin Mayor Sergio Fajardo and former Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos were the people Colombians would be most inclined to vote for, if Uribe were not to run for the presidency, Londoño told Caracol Radio.

The opinion poll, carried out in four cities in Colombia, has a error margin of 3 percent.

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