Uribe supporters outraged over claim Colombia’s former president is straight

A woman was surprisingly blasted by hardcore supporters of Alvaro Uribe for claiming Colombia’s former President is heterosexual.

Outrage poured out of the comments section on the “Uribe es Colombia” Facebook page after a woman posted a message saying “Uribe is heterosexual.”

Supporters responded in droves, slinging anti-gay epithets and assuring that the former president is NOT gay.

Uribe supporter
Uribe supporter

Apparently, many supporters of Uribe were not aware of the definition of heterosexual and mistook the post for an accusation that the former president and leader of the far-right Democratic Center party is gay.


The misunderstanding gave opponents of the controversial former president a chance to make fun of Uribe supporters.

Uribe opponent
Uribe opponent

It is unclear whether the woman who posted the initial message was trolling the Uribe support page or stating a fact.

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