Santos’ approval increases 20 points: poll

Approval for Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos has risen by 20 points according to a poll carried out for W Radio.

The survey was carried out by Datexco and showed that 64.29% of respondents supported the Colombian president. This is 20 points higher than in the last survey.

The survey also showed that only 33.5% of respondents supported the re-election of Inspector General Alejandro Ordoñez who has recently been embroiled in a controversy over his opinions on abortion, and only 33.19% support Bogota mayor Gustavo Petro.

A poll by survey company Gallup, published in August, showed that Santos’ urban approval rating had dropped below his disapproval rating, while his overall approval rate was 54% indicating that the announcement of peace talks with the FARC guerrilla group in September must have garnered him some support.

The figures however are still a big drop since February of this year when his approval rating according to a Gallup pole was at 78%.

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