UNASUR to monitor Colombia’s upcoming congressional and presidential elections

(Photo: Instituto IDL)

The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) said Wednesday it has agreed to provide Colombia a team of observers for the country’s upcoming elections.

Colombia’s National Civil Registry and  National Electoral Council have reached an agreement with regional institution UNASUR for its Electoral Observation Mission (MOE – not to be confused with the independent Colombian NGO of the same name) to help monitor the country’s upcoming election, reported national media Wednesday.

The move has been put in place to aid with electoral process and help reduce electoral fraud.Registrar General Carlos Sanchez told Caracol Radio that the presence and aid of MOE will “enrich the electoral process.”

The mission will also help analyze the different the stages of  the administrative, legal and procedural aspects of Colombia’s elections in a bid to reduce electoral fraud.

Independent of UNASUR’s MOE, the Colombian NGO of the same name has be monitoring the run-up to elections for months.

Earlier this month, the NGO released a report stating that over a third of Colombia’s municipalities were at a medium to extremely high risk for either electoral fraud or political violence.

MORE: Observers warn of sharply increased fraud risks in Colombia senate elections

As well as foul play at the voter level, political figures are also at risk as death threats are not uncommon. Last week there was a failed assassination attempt on presidential candidate Aida Avella (Patriotic Union).

MORE: Leftist Colombian presidential candidate unharmed after assassination attempt

One other congressional candidate was briefly kidnapped and a third one claimed to have received death threats.


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