Puerto Candelaria tours Colombia in December

Underground Colombia cumbia group “Puerto Candelaria” take their eccentric brand of music on a five-stop tour of the country in December.

Puerto Candelaria was formed in Medellin and is characterized by an eclectic combination of folkloric Colombian rhythms with Latin and jazz beats.

“Puerto Candelaria is politically incorrect…it’s cumbia where there is happiness and seriousness, where you have all of Colombia, not just the beautiful things…and Colombia is a little absurd,” joked the band.

In their 12-year history, Puerto Candelaria has releasead four records – Kolombian Jazz (2002), Llegó La Banda (2006), Vuelta Canela (2010) and Cumbia Rebelde (2011).


  • December 1
    Mikasa Bar
  • December 2
    19 Encuentro Nacional de Interpretes de Musica Colombiana
  • December 8
    Festival Más que Sonidos
  • December 13
    Anniversary Telemedellin
    Parque de los Pies Descalzos, Medellin
  • December 21
    Fiesta “faltan 5 pa las 12”
    Vinacure, Bogota

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