Colombian opposition party supports Hugo Chavez in Venezuelan elections

Leftist Colombian opposition party, Polo Democratico, announced its support for incumbent Hugo Chavez in Venezuela’s upcoming presidential elections.

“On Tuesday, July 24 the International Day of Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela and President Hugo Chavez will be held,” read a statement on the party’s website, an event which the political party helped to organize.

The event, which will take place in Bogota, “will address the social and political progress achieved during the 13 years of the Bolivarian Revolution,” according to party President Clara Lopez. The Bolivarian Revolution is a socialist movement in Venezuela spearheaded by Chavez since he came to power in 1999 aimed at implementing grassroots political participation, eliminating corruption and encouraging political and economic sovereignty for South American countries.

Colombia’s former President Alvaro Uribe has been a vocal supporter of opposition candidate Henrique Capriles for Venezuela’s October elections. Uribe has not hidden his distaste for Chavez, criticizing the mercurial leader earlier this month for his “trampling of democratic values and protection of terrorism.”

Polo Democratico currently holds four out of 166 seats in Colombia’s Chamber of Representatives and eight out of 102 seats in the Senate. It remains the only major political party to have declared oppposition to President Juan Manuel Santos’ administration.

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