Poll shows increased support for Mockus

sergio fajardo, antanas mockus, election

An opinion poll released Friday indicates that popular support for Green Party presidential candidate Antanas Mockus is increasing, following his political alliance with Compromiso Ciudadano candidate Sergio Fajardo.

The opinion poll, organized by Colombian newspapers El Tiempo and La W, asked Colombians who they would vote for if the elections were held tomorrow.

Partido de La U candidate Juan Manuel Santos gained 29.5% of the votes, while Mockus snappd up 24.8%.

These results differ to those in a poll released on Thursday, in which 37% of voters said they would vote for Santos, if elections were held tomorrow, while 22% pointed to Mockus as their preferred candidate.

Friday’s poll does however back indications in Thursday’s poll that Conservative Party candidate Noemi Sanin’s popularity is on a downward slide. In the Friday poll she received 16.4%, compared to 20% in the Thursday poll. Sanin had a strong lead on Mockus in March, when a Gallup poll was released

Trailing behind Sanin in the Friday poll are Liberal Party candidate Rafael Pardo with 5.2%, Polo Democratico’s Gustavo Petro on 3.1%, and Cambio Radical’s German Vargas Lleras on 3%.

The poll also took a look at the impact of the Mockus-Fajardo alliance on the outcome of the vote. Poll participants were also asked if they had heard of the alliance between the two presidential candidates, in which Fajardo will stand as Mockus’ vice president.

Of those surveyed, 63.8% said that they had heard of the alliance. Of these, 21.3% said it would change their vote.

In the poll, which was conducted by telephone on April 6, a total of 1,200 respondents across thirteen of Colombia’s largest cities were surveyed.

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