Mayor extends nightclub curfew to 6AM in Colombia’s capital city

(Photo: Baum)

Bogota’s Mayor Gustavo Petro has implemented a trial run for bars and nightclubs in to stay open until 6AM in Colombia’s capital, local media reported on Monday.

This weekend will see the trial run of the new curfew policy in 14 areas of the city. The mayor has asked for cooperation from bar and club owners to ensure the security of those staying out until the early hours of the morning, according to Colombia’s Blu Radio.

“The partying schedule doesn’t worsen security in the city according to the balance of the past two weeks, zero homicides in partying areas, which should be considered when signing the agreements which are to come,” explained Petro.

According to newspaper El Tiempo, in order for the policy to become permanent, bars and clubs must put in place adequate security measures such as providing guests with lists of secure taxis, and ensuring their establishment is sound proof and has adequately designated emergency exits.

The mayor has argued that this is a step in the right direction to combat illegal activity which takes place after the current curfew of 3AM. He has argued that the extension of this curfew will allow authorities to better control the citizens of Bogota and ensure their safety.

“I think that this clandestine nature of partying is not safe, is not positive and it has occurred for many years, every partying night in Bogota, so this measure will improve security conditions,” Petro explained.

This measure will include extending public transport hours with certain routes functioning for 24 hours a day.

The excessive consumption of alcohol and use of narcotics are issues which could increase with this measure. According to Blu Radio, the District Health Department is working together with various drug dependency organisations in an attempt to manage the situation as best they can.


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