Maloka Museum offers bird’s-eye view on Bogota

The installation of an enormous aerial photograph in Bogota’s Maloka Museum of Science and Technology allows visitors to get to know the length and breadth of the city in only a few paces.

Colombia Travel Agent – Mantaraya Travel

The 10 meter long installation is made up of 1,740 aerial photographs covering all 52,730 hectares of the city, with its 45,000 blocks and more than 2 million buildings.

The map was created by The Colombian Space Commission (CCE) with the Agustin Codazzi Geographic Society (IGAC),Colombian Vice President Francisco Santos, and Maloka.

It is the first time that the city has been seen in all its dimensions and with such astonishing accuracy, with a 1:4500 scale.

Over the course of a year, the institute conducted flights over the city in light aircraft to take the aerial photographs.

“This new map is a tool to see how many green areas are left in the capital, how is the Bogota river crossing, and most importantly, it offers a clear and accurate guide for children to know where they live,” said Ivan Dario Gomez, director of Agustin Codazzi.

For more information click here.

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