‘Urabeños plotting to kill Colombia police generals’

“Los Urabeños, ” Colombia’s largest neo-paramilitary group, plans to assassinate thirty top prosecution and police officials, including four generals, El Tiempo newspaper reported.

Unidentified sources told the newspaper that a secret informant, along with intercepted communications, helped them to arrest one capo and two assassins allegedly hired to kill key figures in a national offensive against the group.

The arrests led to the discovery of Urabeños’ alleged plan to strike back. Not only has the group stepped up assassinating low-ranking police officials, they allegedly also are targeting the very heads of Operation Agamenon, which seeks to locate and neutralize the Urabeños’ commander-in-chief “Otoniel.”

Operation Agamenon was set up in February 2015 and involves more than 1,250 policemen and army soldiers.

At first investigators thought they were only targeting a single intelligence official, but then they discovered the plan was much bigger: 26 police officials and 4 people from the Prosecutor’s office were on their death list.

Among the two assassins was a former policeman. He and his partner in crime were attempting to pay corrupt policemen for information on the whereabouts of their targets.

One of the allegedly corrupt policemen was recently arrested for his alleged collaboration in the planned escape of three Urabeños commanders from the Palo Gordo prison.

It has since been revealed that the cop is one of many who have been selling information to the Urabeños since 2013, helping them to evade police operations.

He is being charged with aggravated criminal conspiracy, bribery and revelation of state secrets.

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