Ghost appears in Bogota police station (video)

The mysterious ghost of a young girl appeared Monday morning in a police station in southwestern Bogota.

While Colombian police were busy on the job snapping photos on their cellphones around 4:30AM, they happened to capture the face of the young girl peeping in through an outside window.

Later, while admiring their pixelated cellphone shots, they were shocked to see the apparition, claiming the ghostly girly looked strikingly similar to a youngster who died six years ago in a nearby neighborhood.

“It’s the image of a person that we don’t know…but it looks like a girl who is between 14 and 17 years old,” described station commander Jose Batia.

Despite the ethereal being causing a stir in the station, the police commander says he doesn’t feel afraid, but rather “respectful.”

Batia added that later this week the police force will invite a local priest to perform an exorcism on the haunted headquarters and put the spirit to rest in peace.

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