Dessau Inc. buys Colombian energy consultancy company

Canadian engineering company Dessau Inc. bought Bogota based energy consultants Compania de Estudios e Interventorias (CEI) to expand its Latin American presence, according to a Dessau press released published Monday.

Dessau already successfully established itself in Chile and Peru in 1995 and 2004 respectively and the newly acquired Bogota office, with 350 employees, gives the firm a strategic position for its future growth in Latin America said the president Jean-Paul Sauriol.

Herman Montenegro, general manager of CEI, said, “This alliance assures the continuity of the business and increases our national and international business prospects. We are proud to join Dessau which has, like us, more than 50 years professional specialist experience in South America.”

Founded in 1960, CEI is one of the 10 most important engineering companies in Colombia focusing on petroleum, gas, water, energy, transport and urban development. Dessau, founded in 1957, is the fifth most important engineering and construction company in Canada, has 5,000 employees and a global presence, operating in Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and Trinidad and Tobago.

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