Colombia makes sweeping changes to police personnel

Colombia News - Military Meeting

Six generals in the Colombian police force, including the sub-director, inspector general and anti-narcotics chief, will be replaced, RCN Radio reported Wednesday.

Rafael Parra, the sub-director of the police and Director Oscar Naranjo’s right-hand man, has been reassigned to a post at a Colombian embassy abroad. General Jose Roberto Leon will fill his position.

The inspector general of the police, General Orlando Paez requested voluntarily retirement. His replacement is unknown.

Anti-narcotics chief Augusto Pinzon has also been removed. According to RCN, the retirement of Colombian General Orlando Pineda, General Oscar Gamboa and General Jorge Miguel Gutierrez will soon be announced.

Director of the National Police Oscar Naranjo, along with Bogota Police Commissioner Francisco Patiño will retain their current posts.

The changes arrive a day after President Juan Manuel Santos announced that Colombia’s entire high-level military command have been replaced in response to mounting security concerns.

The decision to replace the high-ranking officials was made by the militray leadership along with the head of state.

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