Colombian student invents bicycle that already existed

Noticias Caracol anchor Mabel Lara was “very surprised” by the “very
creative” Colombian invention of a bicycle that can be folded in two. What the
inventor didn’t tell the national news team is that the bike was invented in the 1960’s. Ouch!

“With pride,” Caracol announced David Andres Cañon, a student at Bogota’s National University, managed to evade the question like a politician about where he got the idea from and proceeded to explain how a folding bicycle works.

“This way it doesn’t take up as much space and you can keep it in where ever,” the Caracol anchor noted intelligently, not realizing that millions of people around the world already found that out decades ago.

Cañon went on saying that he alone invented the bicycle over a period of two years and announced the bicycle was in production and will be officially presented to the public in Medellin on July 24. “A marvelous idea,” the ever-so-gorgeous Lara noted.

For those who can not wait and want to know all about this authentic Colombian invention, here’s some photos of similar or exactly the same invention, but from yeeeeaaaaars ago.

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