Colombian hip hop group outraged over politician’s ‘turd’ comment

Colombian hip hop stars ChocQuibTown responded via Twitter to a Colombian politician’s controversial comments regarding their home department of Choco.

Rodrigo Mesa, deputy of the department of Antioquia said the “money you will invest in Choco is like adding perfume to a turd,” in reference to a government plan signed by the neighboring departments. The plan would promote economic cooperation increasing Antioquian investment in Choco, Colombia’s poorest department.

The statement created an uproar on social networks like Twitter, where ChocqQuibTown responded to the Liberal Party member by saying “it’s for people [Chocoanos] like you that we do what we do”. They also posted their song “Beautiful Sky” which describes the department’s eclectic geography and culture.

Antioquia Governor Sergio Fajardo took to his Twitter account to address the comments.

“As governor of Antioquia, I and the people feel embarrassed by the comment about Choco made by Deputy Mesa in the Assembly of the department.”

In response to calls for a public apology, Mesa defended his statement saying he didn’t intend to criticize the people of Choco, but rather the economic initiative entitled “Antioquia Without Borders.”

The Prosecutor General’s office was notified by Senator Carlos Alberto Baena in case legal action can be taken against Mesa for his comments.

If applicable, Mesa could face over three years in prison without bail as well as a maximum fine of $5,700.

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