Colombia imposes June 2013 deadline for peace talks

Colombia’s government has given a deadline of six to eight months to largest guerrilla group FARC to achieve advances in peace negotiations, reported Caracol Radio Wednesday.

The national government has imposed the time limit of June 2013 for advances to be made in the peace agreement that was recently signed and made official in Havana, Cuba.

Tables of negotiation will be stopped if there are no concrete advances between the upcoming months of April and June, which was one of the five points of the signed agreement in attempts to end the 48-year armed conflict that has devastated Colombia.

This peremptory date will allow the government to continue with the agreed upon agenda so that conversations won’t be delayed and serious advances can be made before the deadline, as a form of ensuring they attempt to achieve the possibility of peace as much as possible.

All sectors of the president and his ministries have supported this term, which was announced last week during the scope of the signed agreement in Cuba.

The only petition from Congress which will be discussed today in a meeting with High Commissioner of Peace Sergio Jaramillo and the rest of the commission, is that they do not support the framework of peace saying that drug trafficking be an offense connected to political crimes, which would permit a spokesperson of all guerrilla subversives that have been accused of trafficking drugs.

For now the subject is in theoretical queries of how to activate the legal framework, but ultimately the decision will be made in tables of negotiation.

Caracol Radio also reported Tuesday that FARC guerrillas would allegedly make it official on Wednesday the designation of two other negotiators in the table for peace with the government.

Second head of the FARC’s eastern block Luis Antonio Lozada Gallo and commander of the FARC’s western block Pablo Catatumbo would allegedly be joining guerrillas Ivan Marquez and Jesus Santrich in negotiations with Colombia’s government.

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