Cinema Without Borders in Medellin

Medellin’s Cinema Without Borders Festival hopes to question themes of independence between July 22 to August 2

The festival, now in its fourth year, will screen 29 internationally-acclaimed films throughout eleven days in “uncoventional spaces” around Medellin and Valle de Aburra.

In line with Colombia’s bicentennial, the festival’s overriding question- “independent of what?”- hopes to provoke reflection about the themes of dependence, independence and sovereignty. The films at this years event have been carefully chosen by organizers for their controversial subject matter and daring viewpoint.

All the films selected have won recognition from world’s major film festivals, including Sundance, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Venice, Tribeca and Cannes. Colombia is extremely well represented by a number of recent projects, such as Carlos Santa and Beatriz Gonzalez’s “Los extraños presagios de León Prozak” as well as Diego Garcia Moreno’s “¿Por qué llora si ya reí?” Ruben Mendoza’s acclaimed “Crabtrap” (“El vuelco del cangrejo”) also features on the festival’s program and is not to be missed. The director was recently selected by the committee at the Cannes to participate in its presitigious residential program, along with fellow director Oscar Ruiz Navia.

The festival also includes recent offerings from Bolivia, USA, Chile, Austria, Iran, Mexico, South Korea and includes an academic program alongside the screenings with participation from actors, directors and critics.

Screenings will be held at the Centro Colombo-Americano, the Teatro Matacandelas, Centro Cultural Moravia, Botanical Gardens, Parque de Los Deseos, Museums of Antioquia and Modern art and the Universities of Eafit and Antioquia.

For more information see the website.

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