Bogota mask man considered even more hilariously stupid than Miss Antioquia

A Bogota man, who — quite clumsily and unintentionally — demonstrated
live on Colombian television how not to use a face mask, is voted to be
even more hilarious than the current Miss Antioquia.

After being asked to demonstrate his free face mask by a City TV reporter, the man tries putting up his received face mask by first putting the elastic meant for the ear over his forehead, to then realize it should go around the neck first, putting the mask on the wrong way.

Respondents to a Facebook poll consider the man considerably more funny than Miss Antioquia, who did not make it to eternal fame because of her beauty, but because of her absolutely clueless response to a question asked during the national Miss election.

One of the contestants for Miss Panama, who obviously confused stated Confucius was who invented confusion, ends third in the poll.

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