Bogota businesses want city to be open 24 hours

Fenalco, Colombia’s National Merchant’s Federation, insisted Wednesday that Bogota should become a 24-hour city in order to generate more employment.

According to the federation, if the Colombian capital continues it’s commerce day and night, they could create 12,000 more jobs in the city.

The director of Fenalco Bogota, Juan Esteban Orrego, said the next mayor should focus on this goal and convert the capital into another ‘city that never sleeps.’

According to Orrego, studies have already been done that show that the business time-change would generate much more employment.

“This would contribute directly to improving unemployment rates in the city. At night there would be more security, and mobility problems during those hours would be diminished.”

In this sense, the Fenalco director said that the next administration should take important steps to secure greater security in the capital as well as augment local employment.

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