Olympic winner Mariana Pajon inspires film


Olympic gold medallist Mariana Pajon has become immortalized in a short film released on Wednesday in Bogota’s Cinema Paraiso.

The film “Momentum” was produced by extreme sports supporter and energy-drink multinational Red Bull and follows the Colombian cyclist, BMX world champion and olympic gold medallist through key moments of her life, including getting her first bicycle, and footage of her learning to ride it in her hometown of Medellin.

After the screening the 21-year-old who won her first national title at the age of five and first world title at the age of nine, said she felt “very happy because it is very sweet to remember this, to see again the affection of Colombia, the people who always supported me. I am speechless, I can only say that it is such a lovely thing Red Bull has done.”

The short documentary was translated into English and German and was reproduced in Europe for the channel Servis TV, showing that for Colombia Red Bull is in the studio to make a strategic alliance with some of the national channels, so that all Colombians can enjoy “Momentum” with the “Queen of BMX.”

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