Dead soldiers are not political fodder: Govt

The Colombian government on Friday implored political parties to refrain from using violent acts by terrorist groups and criminal organizations for political gain.


Pinzon also stated that Colombia’s security forces were committed to combatting all criminal and terrorist organizations through both direct combat and preventative action, be it the seizure of weapons and explosives, or the pursuit of cash flows that finance these organizations.

“The armed forces are valuable not only for the blows they deliver [to criminal and terrorist organizations], but also for the number of violent acts that they prevent. Every day they prevent criminal organizations from completing their objectives, and counteract their structures throughout the country,” said the defense minister.

Pinzon finished by assuring Colombians that they can enjoy the “certainty and tranquility that the armed forces will continue to act with determination against terrorism, drug trafficking, criminal structures and all forms of violence.”

The defense minister’s statements were made just a few days after Colombia’s divisive former president, Alvaro Uribe, tweeted picture of dead soldiers who were killed by guerrillas. After receiving backlash from both sides of the political spectrum, Uribe defended his tweets by saying, 

BACKGROUND: Uribe defends posting graphic photos, makes Holocaust analogies

Given the animosity between current Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and Alvaro Uribe, Pinzon’s announcement could be seen as yet another riposte in the ongoing repartee between the two former political allies.

BACKGROUND: Santos vs Uribe

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