8th annual Colombian Theater Festival to arrive in Medellin

festival teatro medellin, colombia news

Every year in the second week of October the Colombian Theater Festival is held in Medellin and this year is no exception.

Founded in 2002 by the Ateneo Porfirio Barba Jacob Corporation, the festival is a celebration of Colombian professional theater, and will run from 5 – 10 October.

Over the past seven years, the festival has hosted 12 international drama groups; 36 national groups; 78 theatre groups from Medellin; more than 130,000 spectators, and 1.12 billion pesos (US$) in free press for the city thanks to the dramatic arts, reports a press release for the Ateneo Corporation.

The festival has previously been attended by theater groups from Argentina, Ecuador, Spain, Venezuela, among others.

In 2009, the festival hopes to continue reuniting Colombians with theater, featuring performances from Mexico’s Traveling Theater; Bogota’s; London’s Domus Theater; as well as a number of Medellin-based performance groups.

A full program can be found on the Ateneo Corporation’s official site.

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