Wife of paramilitary boss turns herself in

According to news site RCN, Rosa Edelmira Luna Cordoba, alias ‘Norma’, had entered into Panama illegally. Authorities had been tracing the woman since 2005 when her husband, alias ‘Macaco’ demobilized his paramilitary faction to participate in Colombia’s Justice and Peace process.

Investigations state that while ‘Macaco’ (who has been extradited to the U.S.) was incarcerated his wife was responsible for laundering the fortune his paramilitary organization had aquired through drug trafficking.

Reports revealed that seven companies were created by Macaco’s faction between 2002 and 2004 for the purpose of laundering large sums of drug money.

Colombian researchers are currently tracing up to 250 bank accounts belonging to ‘Norma’ and her family.

Pressure from Police lead the woman to surrender herself to U.S. Immigration authorities, who were also searching for her for alleged money laundering accusation.

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