Virgin appears in dirt stain on Medellin wall

The Virgin Mary continued her habit of unlikely manifestations on mangos, burnt arepas, in buckets and coffee cups with her latest sighting on a smudged wall in a Medellin apartment.

The Pareja Acevedo family say that the image first appeared last Friday, in a dirt stain where they had previously kept their television against the wall. One member of the family, Rubiela Pareja Acevedo, had reportedly died of a dengue-induced hemorrhage earlier that same day.

Neighbors and friends are flocking to the apartment, located in a northwestern Medellin suburb, bearing prayers and rosaries.

“We feel great tranquility to see her on the wall,” said Norma Elena Pareja, the family’s 20-year-old daughter. “We feel sadness too, but not the void of those who have left us behind.”

The Virgin has also allegedly graced with her presence palm trees, guanabana trees and a burnt candle.

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