Santos condemns ‘vile murders’ of police in south and southwest Colombia

(Photo: Toda Noticia)

The Colombian President spoke out on Tuesday condemning Colombia’s oldest guerrilla group, the FARC, for their recent attacks on Colombian policemen.

In the past week, three policemen have been subject to fatal attacks by the FARC in different regions of Colombia, a fact which prompted President Juan Manuel Santos to state that “The offensive continues, the offense is strengthened. We will not lose a single millimeter or pause for a single moment the offense of fighting all criminals, all manifestations of crime.”

Three policemen and two soldiers were killed in guerrilla actions by alleged members of the FARC this week.

The first event took place on Monday night in the department of Cauca, southwest Colombia, when a police patrol was ambushed by suspected FARC guerrillas with the death of the police officer being caused by explosives hidden in the surrounding area.

MORE: Police officer dead and woman wounded in southwest state

According to the police commander of Caqueta, Colonel Jose Baquero, the ambush was perpetrated by members of the 15th front of the FARC.

“This are heinous murders which deserve the condemnation of all Colombians, we send to the family condolences.”

So far in 2014, 14 police officers have died in attacks by the FARC

President Santos gave his speech in Medellin, where a further 1000 police officers are to be stationed in an attempt to crack down on paramilitary activity.

MORE: Santos provides 1,000 police officers for Medellin

The FARC is the largest and oldest rebel group in Colombia and is currently engaging in peace talks with the Colombian government in Cuba.


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