Uribe announces he has chosen presidential successor

Colombian President Alvaro Uribe announced in an interview with RCN News that he has come to a decision about who he will endorse as presidential candidate in the coming May elections if he is not eligible to run. He did not name who his successor would be.

While the Colombian Constitutional Court still has not ruled on the constitutionality of the referendum on allowing the president to seek a third term, Uribe affirmed that he has come up with a “Plan B,” in case the constitutional change is prohibited by the court.

Uribe told RCN interviewers that he is only “interested that the country re-elect Democratic Security”, as well as in “the protection of investor confidence and the struggle for social justice.”

Colombia’s head of state did not announce who he has chosen as his successor, telling RCN that he had spoken individually with each of the candidates: Naomi Sanin, Andres Arias and Martha Lucia Ramirez.

President Uribe closed the interview insisting that, “Colombia must maintain its [current] direction … not put this direction at risk.”

The process of deciding whether Uribe can run for re-election in May, a plan which is losing popular approval, is ongoing.

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