UNE EPM telecommunications board votes in new president

Marc Eichmann

The board of directors of UNE EPM has voted in Marc Eichmann as the new president of the telecommunications company.

Eichmann was put forward for the presidency by the Medellin Mayor Anibal Gaviria and replaces David Escobar who had acted as president on a temporary basis since January 3.

The new president of UNE EPM has worked as planning and new business manager at Transportadora International de Gas, and director of commercial strategy at Telefonica Movistar.

He attended McGill University in Montreal, Canada and has an MBA from the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia.

UNE is owned by EMP, Empresas Publicas de Medellin public utilities company, and itself owns part of Emtelsa in Manizales.

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