‘Tailor of the FARC’ opens Bogota fashion show

The 11th annual Fashion Circle of Bogota kicked off Wednesday with a show by demobilized guerrilla Alvaro Perez, commonly known as “The Tailor of the FARC.”

The collection, entitled “Freedom,” featured 82 loose-fitting colorful garments including jungle and combat motifs, many of which were donned by former combatants that now work for Perez’s design company, Colfepaz.

The show was part of “Chance by Colombia,” an initiative of Colombia’s Ministry of Defense and the Colombian Agency for Reintegration, which gives employment to demobilized members of armed groups.

“Chance by Colombia is nothing but a real opportunity that will allow the guerrillas who left to visualize the possibility of a better future, hopefully with a stable income and opportunities,” said Colombian Defense Minister Juan Carlos Pinzon at the show.

“This release indicates that society, in its various manifestations, has realized that consolidating the processes that will lead us to achieve peace is a task that involves all Colombians,” said Pinzon.

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