Police arrest ex-FARC guerrilla in Bogota bombing case

Colombian authorities captured a man Wednesday suspected of participating in the May 15 bombing in Bogota.

Local media said police captured Andres Felipe Rios on suspicion of having taken part in the terrorist attack last Tuesday targeting conservative ex-minister Fernando Londoño. Police also found bomb materials and propaganda belonging to the FARC – Colombia’s largest guerrilla group – in Rios’ home, said reports.

Rios maintained his innocence. In a report by Colombian newspaper El Espectador, Rios said he had once been part of FARC’s 26th Front, but retired because of his bad eyesight.  The comment comes amid accusations that Rios is an active member of the FARC.

In the same report, the suspect’s lawyer said authorities had yet to bring charges against Rios that directly implicated him in last Tuesday’s bombing. “They found explosive material and documents alluding to the FARC, however this has nothing to do with the assassination attempt on the ex-minister,” said the lawyer.

Londoño survived the bombing but suffered a ruptured eardrum and lacerated lung. He was quick to accuse the FARC of carrying out the attack. He also criticized Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos over security issues and the proposed Legal Framework for Peace legislation, which would give legal benefits to demobilized guerrillas and paramilitaries. Critics said the legislation would give impunity to human rights violators.

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