Spanish opera ‘Carmen’ comes to Bogota

A controversial version of the opera “Carmen” by Spanish director Calixto Bieito comes to Bogota’s Julio Mario Santo Domingo Theater on the February 10th, 12th, 17th, and 19th.

The classic opera “Carmen,” originally writen by George Bizet in 1875 takes place in the poor part of Seville, Spain and tells the story of a passionate couple with a turbulent relationship. The heroine, Carmen, is traditionally portrayed as a free-spirited, passionate woman but in his version, Bieito has turned Carmen into a woman who steps out of her flamenco dancing stereo-type to reveal herself as a victim of domestic violence.

Bieito has transformed the classic story of “Carmen” into a commentary on modern day poverty, social classes, and domestic abuse in the north African city of Ceuta.

The show will be playing at the Julio Mario Santo Domino Theater in Bogota at 8:00 PM on the 10th and 17th of February and at 5:00 PM on the 12th and 19th. For more information and tickets go to

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