Catalina Denis comes home to Colombia for raunchy shoot

Colombian actress Catalina Denis rushed home from France to appear in a sexy photoshoot, reports Caracol TV.

The glamorous actress struck gold in France working with famous director Luc Besson in banker-turns-pimp comedy “Le Mac” and successfully wooing the Parisian media, but when she was asked to appear in a steamy photoshoot for Colombian magazine Cromos, she flew back home.

The former model’s rise to fame has been meteoric. A chance meeting with  Besson while studying Law at the Sorbonne convinced him of her talent. Spurred on by his advice, she quit her course for the racier world of acting.

“Acting makes me vibrate, fills me with adrenaline, I become excited,” she said; words that probably aren’t often spoken by lawyers.

Denis has appeared in “Taxi 4,” “Coursier,” “Go Fast,” along with numerous raunchy photoshoots, but her exposure in Cromos is probably her most revealing yet. No wonder her IMDB popularity has soared 69% in the last week.

Although her roles have been eclectic, ranging from a DEA agent investigating drug trafficking (“Go Fast”), to a stripper (“Le Mac”), and most recently as an art dealer (“Coursier”), the consistent factor has been her stunning appearance, leading her to be dubbed the ‘bomba latina’ of French cinema.

Confiding in Cromos, Denis told how prepared for her role as a stripper in “Le Mac” by immersing herself in the same seedy world her character occupies. Speaking of her gritty experiences in a seedy Lower East Side bar, she said that “I wanted to feel the gaze of the man who feels that he can give you ten dollars to go to the bathroom with him. I experienced the greatest humiliations of my character and, later, when I was acting, those feelings rose again as if by magic.”

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