Security necessary to achieve peace in Colombia: Blair

Former British PM Tony Blair & Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos (Photo: President’s Office)

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Thursday expressed his support for the peace process between rebel group FARC and the government, following his meeting with the Colombian president.

“I have no doubt that in Colombia the people want peace and stability. It is necessary to maintain security and create the circumstances to achieve peace; that is the way,” said Blair, after meeting with Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos, at the presidential palace in Colombia’s capital of Bogota.

The two reportedly discussed the peace process, along with other contemporary issues facing Colombia. Santos, for his part, had high words of praise for Blair and his achievements.

“I have an enormous debt of gratitude, because we learned from him the Third Way that we have applied with success here in Colombia,” said Santos. “He’s been a great friend to Colombia and a great friend of mine. And during his tenure [as British PM] he helped us a lot. For this Colombia owes an immense debt of gratitude to Prime Minister Tony Blair.”

The close relationship between Santos and Blair is well documented, stretching back to 1999, when the two co-authored a book entitled “The Third Way: An Alternative for Colombia,” which sought to apply Blair’s centrist political doctrine to the Colombian context.


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