Secret Service prostitute to launch book

The prostitute at the center of April’s Secret Service sex scandal, Dania Londoño, is set to launch a revealing book later this month.

Londoño was thrust into the international spotlight earlier this year after a Secret Service agent refused to pay her the $800 they had initially agreed upon for her services ahead of U.S. President Barack Obama’s first visit to Colombia.

The book, believed to be entitled “Room Service”, details her life story, her role in the sex scandal and the following aftermath. In an excerpt Londoño laments, “I avoid going out, I spend days here depressed, crying, but I’d rather be here than risk running out, because people are bad, and they say I damaged the image of Colombia and Cartagena, many think that someone should be punished for that.” The 25-year old mother apparently, “saw no option other than prostitution.”

The reader can learn more about Dania, her early life in San Andrés, how she came to the coastal tourist hub of Cartagena. “Room Service” is expected to go on sale in the US and Colombia later this month.

No one can accuse Londoño of not taking advantage of her 15 minutes of fame. In mid-June she appeared nude on the cover in Colombia’s SoHo magazine. Rumors have also circulated about a possible porn film and TV series that would document her life.

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