Marcela Mar retracts ‘prostitute’ comments on Sara Corrales

Colombian actress Marcela Mar withdrew nasty comments she had made about colleague Sara Corrales, after the latter filed a lawsuit for slander.

In an interview with W Radio, Mar said that she retracted her statements in order to spare Colombia’s judicial system, which is generally known to be clogged, more lawsuits than necessary.

The battle between the starlets began when Mar criticized Corrales for having an affair with her then-married co-star in soap opera “Vecinos,” Robinson Diaz.

“To me, the type of beauties such as Sara Corrales … are a stereotype and perpetuate [the glamorization] of drug trafficking in our country,” Mar had declared. Previously she had said that this type of beauty “is like everything easy and immediate, the image of the prostitute, which to me is disgusting.”

Corrales’ lawyer, Abelardo de la Espriella, then said that if Mar would not publicly retract her comments and apologize to Corrales, they would not cancel the lawsuit for aggravated injury. So far, Mar had refused.

But on Monday, only hours before the trial, the sued actress stated that “I stand firmly by my criticism of the aesthetics and beauty norms … but I retract having included Miss Sara Corrales in this norm.”

Following Mar’s statement, Corrales lawyer said the retraction was “acceptable” and a judicial catfight between two of Colombia’s most popular actresses was prevented.

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